Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughts on "Did You Know? 3.0" and "Mr. Winkle Wakes"

Did You Know

Karl Fisch's DID YOU KNOW 3.0 video is startling. A tremendous amount of information is transported so swiflty. More interesting is that larger amounts are being moved even faster everyday. The video stated "We are living in exponential times".
The idea that "the amount of new technical information is doubling every two years" leaves me asking the same question that Mr. Fisch asked in the video. "So what does it all mean?" How will all the internet devices, fiber optic cables and supercomputers be used? As a future teacher, I should view technology as a tool for my students to prepare them "for jobs that do not exist,using technologies that haven't been invented, in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet".
Mr. Winkle
Matthew Needleman's MR. WINKLE WAKES video is a kind reminder to not let the class computer set idle. Students can use the computer to go outside the walls of their classroom to discover more about any topic in the lesson plan.
The world around our children is changing so fast. They should be given the opportunity to learn about the technologies that are helping to change it. In fact, they will be part of those businesses and medical facilities. Click below to see video

1 comment:

  1. We will certainly have to teach our students how to handle change even though we are currently working in a culture that is highly resistant to change!
