Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Developing My PLN

picture of a computer plugged into a picture of a globe
The limitless sources on the internet can be overwhelming. I believe creating and using a personal learning network of educators will help me find the most efficient and effective tools a teacher can use in the classroom. Not only will I be pointed in the right direction, these educators share the best ways to use applications and I can email, tweet, or ask questions in their blog to find additional information I might need. I am looking forward to the wealth of experience that I can learn and take into my own classroom.
I follow At the Teacher's Desk and have found information from teachers from all grade levels, subjects and even parts of the world. Our own EDM310 blog lists sources and links to follow for all kinds of information. I plan to go back to the links of some of our blog posts and dig deeper. I already know this will be a great place to find information.
I follow the tweets of several educators on Twitter, including Mr. Anderson from Web20Classroom, Nancy Stewart, Tom Barrett, and Kelly Hines, the author of "It's not about the Technology. I agree with Ms. Hines that, "Technology is useless without good teaching". I want to be a good teacher and I intend to use my PLN to gain as much knowledge of methods and tools as possible. As I learn in the education field, I'm sure that my interests and needs will change. My PLN will probably change as well and reflect new interests and needs.
I will try to remember that Dr. Strange said, "...a good teacher who lacks the ability to use technology effectively is not as good as she/he could be using technology."


  1. That's the beautiful thing about a virtual PLN. It is fluid. You can add to and evolve your PLN as different needs in your life arise. I only wish I had a PLN when I was starting my teaching career 11 years ago!
